Complete List of Courses
In Continuing Education at George Brown College, you register in an individual course whether you are pursuing a credential (program) or not. You always register and pay on a course-by-course basis. In most cases, you do not need to register in any way for a program in order to start a course, and you can take multiple courses in a term if you so choose.
Browse from the following alphabetical list or filter the results to focus in on your interests or a subject.
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LAW 9046
Alternative Dispute ResolutionOn Campus
EMRG 9083
Biometrics in Border ServicesOn Campus
EMRG 9145
CounterterrorismOn Campus
LAW 9044
Evidence and Litigation ProcessOn Campus
LAW 9040
Introduction to the Legal SystemOn Campus
EMRG 9131
K-9 DetectionOn Campus
EMRG 9130
K-9 HandlingOn Campus
EMRG 9128
K-9 TrackingOn Campus
LAW 9056
Legal Computer ApplicationsOn Campus
LAW 9042
Legal Research and WritingOn Campus