Computers and Information Technology

Information technology manager working from home and meeting with the department online.

Computers are now a mainstay of modern life and, for many, an essential part of their work. In this area of interest, we offer computer-related learning options intended to suit a variety of people – from those in an office environment to those within the information technology (IT) industry. Our computer hardware and networks offerings teach hands-on skills in cloud computing, networking, database administration, and more. Our computer software and applications offerings provide training in computer programming and a range of specialized software. And our IT management and digital transformation offerings help you expand your career into artificial intelligence, business process automation, or a range of fields within IT management.

Student Success Stories

Browse this list of our Computers and Information Technology student success stories. Select one from the menu below to read their story. You can also read more stories by visiting our Student Success Stories web page.

Emily Litt, a Continuing Education graduate.
Upgrading Her Expertise
IT recruiter boosts her industry knowledge with George Brown certificate