Emergency Procedures
In an emergency:
- dial 0 from any office, classroom or lab phone at the college
- use your mobile phone to call 416-415-4000
- text 416-723-4761
- call 911 to reach external emergency services (police, fire and ambulance)
The college-wide Emergency Procedures web page provides guidelines for several emergency situations. Familiarize yourself with these procedures:
- active threat (perimeter lockdown/lockdown)
- active threat within the building
- active threat within the classroom
- bomb threat
- cell phones
- criminal acts
- domestic violence on campus
- evacuation (fire)
- evacuation (non-fire)
- hostage situations
- medical response
- psychological crisis
- reporting incidents/emergencies
- sexual assault
- weapons
For more information, visit the college-wide Public Safety and Security web page.