Digital Video Production LIBA 9356


Our Digital Video Production course recognizes that nothing is as important to gaining entry into the film industry as your sample reel – a short video that acts as your calling card and displays your fiction, documentary, or corporate film expertise. This digital video course uses a hands-on approach and feature-length production principles to teach you how to write, produce, direct, and edit your own video. Examine the fundamentals of scriptwriting, cinematography, audio, budgeting, directing, crowdfunding, web series, and distribution.


You will have the most success in this course if you have already completed our COMP 9411 Digital Video Editing course and our LIBA 9109 Cinematography, Lighting, and Sound Production course before you start this course.

Additional Information

Course Essentials:

You must do all shooting off-site on your own time, and you must have your own cast, crew, and digital video camera (anything from a smartphone to a professional camcorder). Editing can be done on-site.

Hours and Fees





Course Sections

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course; however, check back to see if we have developed additional schedules for the upcoming term.
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Visual Arts and Design Department
Office Location(s):

Read about our textbooks policy, and remember that the Continuing Education attendance policy and closure dates differ from those for full-time college programs.