Building Code Course Test Rewrite EX 10
Our Building Code Course Test Rewrite gives you the opportunity to rewrite the final test from any Building Code course (in class or online) that you have taken at George Brown College and have not passed.
You must have obtained a final course grade between 49% and 69% in your Building Code course, and you must complete the rewrite of the test for that course within 60 days of the last day of class.
Additional Information
Exam Policies:
Once you have registered and received your confirmation of registration, you must contact us to receive the login details: Email buildingcode@georgebrown.ca using a subject line that contains the title of the Building Code course for which you want to rewrite the final test as well as the words "Rewrite Exam" (e.g., Part 9 The House Building Envelope Rewrite Exam). In the body of your email, provide your full name, your student ID number and the course code, title, and CRN of the Building Code course you took. Allow up to 48 hours for your exam and login details to be emailed to you. You are eligible to rewrite the test for a specific Building Code course only once (multiple attempts are not allowed).
Hours and Fees
Course Sections
This online test is available from Monday at 9 a.m. to Sunday at 11 p.m. during the week indicated, and you can access it at any time (24 hours a day) during the week.
This online test is available from Monday at 9 a.m. to Sunday at 11 p.m. during the week indicated, and you can access it at any time (24 hours a day) during the week.
This online test is available from Monday at 9 a.m. to Sunday at 11 p.m. during the week indicated, and you can access it at any time (24 hours a day) during the week.
This online test is available from Monday at 9 a.m. to Sunday at 11 p.m. during the week indicated, and you can access it at any time (24 hours a day) during the week.
- Contact Information
- Contact:
- Technology Department
- Email:
- buildingcode@georgebrown.ca
- Phone:
- Office Location(s):
Read about our textbooks policy, and remember that the Continuing Education attendance policy and closure dates differ from those for full-time college programs.