Surface Design 2 FASH 9292


Our Surface Design 2 course helps you acquire the intermediate skills you need to create artwork for use on everyday objects such as gift-wrap, wall coverings, home décor, and apparel. Get the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of design and colour theory, to explore advanced software skills, and to develop new motifs and patterns for coordinated collections. This design course stresses research methods and challenges your creativity and concept development.


You must have completed our FASH 9291 Surface Design 1 course or you must have a demonstrated ability to use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create surface patterns.

Hours and Fees





Course Sections

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course; however, check back to see if we have developed additional schedules for the upcoming term.
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Fashion and Creative Arts Department
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Read about our textbooks policy, and remember that the Continuing Education attendance policy and closure dates differ from those for full-time college programs.