Michele Argiro
Michele Argiro spent 12 years in the architectural field before becoming a building inspector. During that time, he worked as an architectural technologist accredited by the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO), and he gained extensive experience and knowledge in all aspects of building inspection, building construction, and related legislation. Since 2008, Michele has worked as a building inspector specializing in complex/large buildings (Part 3). He is qualified and registered with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as an independent designer and a building official (inspector). He also has the designation of Certified Building Code Official (CBCO) through the Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA). Furthermore, he is a certified instructor under the OBOA and has been teaching Ontario Building Code courses since 2006 – first, for the AATO, the OBOA and the Academy of Design and Technology, and, now, for George Brown College.