Gas Technician 3 Theory HVAC 9065

Exam Preparation

Our Gas Technician 3 course is currently being offered in two parts: this course (Gas Technician 3 Theory) and HVAC 9066 Gas Technician 3 Practical. You must complete both parts at George Brown College to qualify to write the EX 01 TSSA Gas Technician 3 Exam.

Our Gas Technician 3 Theory course complies with the theoretical education portion of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) training curriculum for the gas technician 3 (G.3) certification and includes modules 1 through 9. Together, this course and our HVAC 9066 Gas Technician 3 Practical course prepare you for the EX 01 TSSA Gas Technician 3 Exam.


Attendance Requirements:

You must attend a minimum of 80% of the scheduled courses to qualify for the EX 01 TSSA Gas Technician 3 Exam.

Grade Requirements:

You must achieve a grade average of 75% or higher in this course and in our HVAC 9066 Gas Technician 3 Practical course to qualify for the EX 01 TSSA Gas Technician 3 Exam.

Hours and Fees




$1,124, includes a non-refundable materials fee of $200

Course Sections

Delivery Method: Teacher-led Online
Delivery Method: Teacher-led Online
Technology Department
Office Location(s):

Read about our textbooks policy, and remember that the Continuing Education attendance policy and closure dates differ from those for full-time college programs.